
Booker Avenue

Junior School

Best Always


  • Christmas Events 2019

    Fri 06 Dec 2019 Mr Thompson


    Dear parents and carers,


    With the run up to Christmas upon us, here is some information about events during the next couple of weeks:

    Tonight, of course is our PTA Christmas Fayre, 6 till 8pm. We look forward to see as many of you there as possible; it is always a great occasion.

    Monday 9th December – Coverdale Puppets Christmas Show

    During school time – no cost

    Thursday 12th December – 5pm

    Our choir will be performing at Duke Street Food Festival. Why not pop in, if you are in the area, and lend them your support!

    Friday 13th December – Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children

    Children may come to school in own clothes with a Christmas jumper or top for a £2 suggested donation which will go to the Save the Children charity. Please do not feel the need to purchase a Christmas jumper especially for the occasion. If you child does not have one, they could decorate their own or even just wear something red / green. No football kits though please!

    Tuesday 17th Dec

    Christmas Dinner for the children at lunchtime.

    Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December, 7 - 8pm – Bethlehem The Musical!

    Lots of our Y5 and 6 children and our school choir are busy rehearsing for this production. First opportunities for tickets will go out to parents of those children – details to follow.

    Thursday 19th December – Christmas Disco

    Years 3 and 4 -   5pm – 6:15pm

    Years 5 and 6 -   6:30pm – 7:45pm

    £2 admission

    Friday 20th December

    School finishes for the holidays at 1:30pm. Children may bring in a quiet game or toy on that day.


    With best wishes for the festive season.


    Mr R Thompson


  • Managing sickness and infections

    Tue 03 Dec 2019 Mr Thompson

    Across the Liverpool region we are experiencing increased reporting of diarrhoea and vomiting in school aged children consistent with viral gastroenteritis. This is often caused by Norovirus, a frequent cause of vomiting and diarrhoea in the community during the winter.

    The most common symptom of Norovirus is vomiting. Diarrhoea tends to be short-lived and less severe than with other causes of gastroenteritis. Other symptoms include nausea, abdominal cramps, headache, muscle aches, chills and fever. The illness is usually self-limiting in nature and gets better without antibiotics, which are not appropriate for viral illnesses. Symptoms usually last between one and three days.

    Pupils who become ill will be sent home as soon as possible; if pupils cannot go home, they will be kept away from other pupils.

    Parents should be aware that the pupil should remain off for 48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting. This is a really important control measure to limit the spread of this infection. 


    In school we will be promoting good hand hygiene prevent outbreaks of sickness and we would encourage parents to do the same.


    If you are unsure about whether to keep your child off school, please speak to a member of our school office team.


    Thank you.


